
Guide Dogs – Kennel in Sylmar, California, USA

Guide dog kennel in Sylmar, California, USA

Welcome to America’s Guide Dog Kennel! This litter has 10 yellow labrador retriever puppies. Out of them 4 boys and 6 girls.

The puppies are being trained to become guide dogs for the visually impaired. Their first eight weeks are crucial in their training. From the day they are born, they enter an early socialization program that will introduce them to the different sights, sounds and feelings of the world. The hope is that when they grow up, they will help someone who is blind live with more confidence, independence and mobility.

Don’t see puppies? Don’t worry, the puppies are just live on another cam. Because puppies have such fragile immune systems, we change their kennel rooms daily to allow for 24-hour disinfection.

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