Bald Eagles in Decorah – Iowa, USA
Bald Eagles in Decorah – Iowa, USA
This bald eagle nest is located near a trout hatchery in Decorah, Iowa. After two of the pair’s nests were destroyed, the Raptor Resource Project team began building this nest in hopes that the eagles would claim it and build on it – and they did! Watch as they return each year to raise another litter.
About bald eagles in Dekora
A new pair of eagles has moved into a renovated nest near the trout hatchery. For now we call them HM ( Hatchery Mom ) and HD ( Hatchery Dad ). Generally speaking, courtship begins in October, productive mating in late January or early February, and egg laying in mid to late February. Hatching usually begins in late March to early April, with the eaglets moulting in mid to late June. While the young usually disperse between August and October, the adults remain on the territory throughout the year. They eat live and dead fish, squirrels, other birds, rabbits, rats, deer, possums and anything else they can catch or find. To learn more about bald eagles, visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology .